18K Yellow Gold Australian South Sea 2.3g Keshi Pearl Pendant
Set in radiant yellow gold, this bespoke pendant features a captivating baroque Keshi pearl, celebrated for its unique, organic beauty. This Willie Creek Pearls pendant is composed of 18K yellow gold, with a single 2.3g white, baroque shaped Keshi pearl with excellent lustre. Chain sold separately.
No. Of Pearls : 1
Keshi Weight : Approx. 2.3 g
Pearl Shape : Baroque
Pearl Colour : White
Pearl Lustre : Excellent
ID: 638-02386
Inspired by the rugged beauty of the Kimberley region and the wild, untamed nature of Broome, this limited-edition collection captures the essence of Australia's pristine landscapes. Crafted by our renowned head jeweller, William Grierson and his team, the Untamed collection is a testament to the fascinating fusion of fluid dynamics, nature, and art, created by the mesmerising process of pouring molten gold into water. Each piece is one of a kind.
Every pearl is hand selected and crafted into jewellery in such a way to best highlight its attributes or virtues. It’s important to be aware that as pearls are natural products, each one possesses its own special characteristics or markings, making it unique. If you would like to know more click here.
Not in Australia? You won't be charged GST (10% Goods and Services Tax) at the checkout.
Chains Sold Separately
Chains are sold separately, click here to view chains.
If a chain isn’t purchased, pendants will come with a display chain for presentation, however it is not recommended for wear.
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对于在线购买,如果商品不符合您的期望或因任何原因不适合,我们将很乐意提供全额退款。 Willie Creek Pearls 要求您在收到订单后 7 天内通知我们任何退货意向。商品和包装必须在 30 天内以原始状态退回、未使用并附有购买凭证。
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我们涉及产品退货的条款并不排除您根据《2010 年竞争与消费者法》享有的法定权利。
Willie Creek Pearls 针对制造故障或缺陷提供 12 个月的产品保修。我们将维修或更换我们销售的任何有购买时通常无法检测到的故障的商品。我们的保修不涵盖因未采取适当的产品保养而导致的正常磨损或损坏。
在 Willie Creek Pearls,我们为我们的产品质量和为客户提供的服务感到自豪。如果您对购买有任何疑问,请致电 +618 9241 6555 联系我们的客户服务团队。
