The exterior of the Willie Creek Pearls Cottesloe pearl jewellery showroom on the corner of Napoleon St in Cottesloe, Western Australia.
A smiling Willie Creek Pearls Cottesloe showroom team member wears a beautiful pearl bracelet and necklace set while organising pearl jewellery displays at her sales counter.


(08) 9241 6580 

周一至周五开放:上午 9.30 至下午 5 点。
周六:上午 9.30 至下午 4 点。


541 Stirling Highway, 科茨洛, WA 6011

周一至周五开放:上午 9.30 至下午 5 点。
周六:上午 9.30 至下午 4 点。

A smiling Willie Creek Pearls Cottesloe showroom team member wears a beautiful pearl bracelet and necklace set while organising pearl jewellery displays at her sales counter.

Cottesloe 陈列室位于斯特灵高速公路和拿破仑街拐角处的一栋历史建筑内。拿破仑街以其迷人的咖啡馆和定制精品店而闻名,是一个停下来购物的好地方!您是否一直梦想拥有属于自己的定制珠宝?快来参观我们位于科特斯洛 (Cottesloe) 陈列室的专业珠宝商团队。



The interior of the Willie Creek Pearls jewellery showroom in Cottesloe, featuring hardwood floors, a wicker table and chair set, and display cabinets showcasing Australian South Sea pearl jewellery.
Willie Creek Pearls head jeweller, William, wears an apron and safety goggles while using manufacturing tools to create a new jewellery piece in the Cottesloe workshop.
Colourful silver and orange balloons decorate the Cottesloe Willie Creek Pearls showroom, where guests mingle, hold drinks, and shop for pearl jewellery during an event.